Ayesha S
3 min readDec 31, 2022

The year is coming to an end and we all have our list of resolutions that we were meant to complete in front of us. Another year has gone just like the one before it and we have not made any significant change in our life.

Making a list of resolutions at the start of the year is exciting but we end up following it only till the end of January.

Among the many reasons for us not compeleting our list is losing focus. We lose focus and slowly we lose track of time and before we know the year has come to an end.

The simplest trick to change this is to remember death.

The Prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him ) said,

“Frequently remember the destroyer of pleasures — DEATH”

These profound words make us realise how important it is to remember death every single day. It puts things into perspective. There is a purpose of our lives. We are not just here to have fun and waste our time on things that do not benefit anybody in anyway.

The great scholar of Islam al- Hasan al -Basri said:

“The world is 3 days: As for yesterday, it has vanished along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work on it.”

“You are nothing but a number of days, and whenever a day passes away, a part of you passes away”

When we remember this and regularly remind ourselves of it then our focus becomes clear.

The rememberance of death is the only thing that helps us stop procrastinating.

We have counted breaths ….. would we not like to fulfill our dreams before our time is up?

Would we not like to die in a state of statisfaction thinking I did something about my dreams?

The uncertainty of life and the nearness of death was never better understood than by the people of our times because we our the ones who have seen the pandemic.

The number of people we lost during the pandemic. How many of them were procrastianating their dreams for tomorrow, for a better day. But now they lay asleep in their graves.

Remembering death is the only way we can actually truly get to our dreams.

It is coming and no one can deny that.

Work on your dreams and your resolution before death catches up with you.

Start now. Do’nt even wait for tomorrow. For how many tomorrows are we going to procrastinate our dreams?

I am writing this on the 31 December and I am starting now as I have resolved to write more. Who knows how much time I have??

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