Don’t Waste Another Year!

Realistic ways to keep your new year resolutions

Ayesha S
4 min readFeb 2, 2021
Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash

The new year is here! It’s the time of the year when we’re all excited to make changes in our life.

I’m sure most of us have a list of resolutions that we’re all eager to start working on. However, making these goals at the start of a new year has become a tradition of sorts.

It’s human nature to make goals when we start something new. But the problem is that we usually end up giving up or completely forgetting about our resolutions within the first few months of the new year.

According to Dr. Charles Herrick, we usually give up our new year resolutions because of three reasons: difficulty breaking old habits, focusing on specific outcomes and problems with purpose.

So, how do we make this year different?

Here are some tips for keeping up those resolutions.

Slow but steady

One of the reasons we can’t keep up our resolutions is that we don’t know the sort of challenges we’ll face. You can take a small step today, maybe another tomorrow. Gently wean yourself off the habits you want to change.

If you’ve resolved to wake up an hour earlier then, you can start by waking up a few minutes early tomorrow. This will help you understand how things work and also help with a smoother start.

Set Realistic goals

When we sit down to set our resolutions we somehow believe that we can conquer the world (which is a good thing). However, what we really need is a set of realistic goals to have a better year. When we have unrealistic goals we find them difficult to follow and we end up giving up.

So, when you have your list ready, take a minute and sort out the things you want to complete this year. Also, remember to be specific when you write down your resolutions. So, instead of saying I want to save more money this year. Write the actual amount that you want to save. And also what you will do with that sum of money once you have it.

Go step by step

With your resolutions all set, you now need to think about the steps to achieve them. After all, we want to achieve these goals.One of the reasons for not being able to follow the resolutions is that we don’t know how to achieve them.

So, having a step-by-step layout is helpful. You can write how much of a task you want to complete in a month. It helps you keep track of your progress. When we are visually able to see the results, we feel motivated and it keeps us going.

I think in term of day’s resolution,not years’ — Henry Moore

Keep trying

Here is the hardcore truth. It is going to be difficult, especially that first day. It will hurt and sometimes you won’t feel like it.

So, if you are just a few days into following your goals. Then push yourself and keep pushing. But if it’s been a few days and you feel like you deserve a break, then take a break.

It won’t change you, if it doesn’t challenge you.

Less is more

Do not spread yourself thin. Instead of working on a whole bunch of things, focus on a select few. This will definitely increase your chances of getting them done. Prioritize the essential ones and pick up the rest once you’ve finished these.

Do small things in a great way — Napoleon Hill

Jot it down

Pick up a pen and a piece of paper and write down those resolutions and the reason you want to complete them. No, don’t put it in an app on your phone.

Take a few minutes and write them and also the reasons; why you want to follow them. And then place it somewhere you can review it every day. This will remind you of what you want and also why you want them.

Reward yourself

Remember to give yourself a reward. Whenever you complete a task or reach a goal. Buy yourself a gift or take a day off. It could be anything. Anything that makes you happy.

There is nothing more rewarding than completing a goal you set for yourself — Jerry Seinfeld

Following a set of resolutions may seem intimidating. But, your not alone. Just remember to keep your goals simple, focus on the important ones and track your progress.

